"You Are a Beautiful Person"

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Debra Varos has worked with many people in the Taos community including employment with a variety of Taos correction facilities.  Many of these individuals were at the worst times of their lives, according to Debra. No matter what that person did to find themselves in detention when Debra met them, she saw the good in them. This same compassion for those she met over time as children and with whom she continues to be there for as adults in her personal life says a lot about how much she cares and wants to help others  

Debra began working with Las Cumbres’ Santuario del Corazón Program as a Family Navigator in March of 2021 and immediately began providing case management for immigrant families in the Taos area. “I appreciate the slower pace of social work. In Corrections there were high-stress situations on a daily basis and chaotic flows of in-your-face activity,” says Debra. “My current clients with Las Cumbres are in need of services but now there is a more organized flow to filling their needs.” 

“My purpose in life is to help and my own kids always ask me ‘Why do you always carry other people’s problems on our own shoulders?’ but I explain to them that is who I am I am a helper. Even if I can’t save the world, I try to touch one person at a time and communicate to them, ‘Hey, open your eyes, you are a beautiful person in your own way.’ and that is often simply what a lot of people need. If we can just sit with a person on a personal level, listen to them, be there for them, acknowledge they have beauty and worth in them, that is all they need to do better for themselves.”  

Las Cumbres is thrilled to have Debra serving the Taos community with her “You are beautiful” mindset.  

To make a referral into the program or for more information about the Santuario del Corazón Program please visit their webpage https://www.lascumbres-nm.org/borderland