One Mother’s Story: How an Entire Family is Transformed 


We’d like to introduce a remarkable woman named Laura. From a small New Mexico town, this mother’s story is not so different from the stories of many who come forward to regain vital resilience. Laura is a mother who has faced unimaginable trials in life. Trauma from past abuse left her with emotional scars that ran deep, and she faced the additional challenge of raising a special needs child, Emma.  

Life was often a daily struggle for Laura. Emma's unique needs demanded constant attention and care, leaving Laura overwhelmed and exhausted. The weight of her past trauma had made it difficult for her to be the present, nurturing mother she longed to be. 

But Laura reached out for assistance from the Las Cumbres Santuario del Corazón Program which helps migrant families like hers. As Las Cumbres offers wraparound services across multiple programs, the agency Behavioral Health team is now also engaged in helping this Santuario family. To address her trauma-related and other mental health concerns, Laura was assigned to a program clinician and behavioral health therapist, Mariana. Mariana was someone Laura could talk to and release some of the built-up anguish she had been experiencing. Through many of these talks, Mariana was able to gauge Laura's needs and guide her to programs and activities that Laura would use to get an upper hand on the challenges she faced.  

Week after week, Laura and Mariana worked together. With patience and understanding, Mariana shared valuable insights and techniques to help Laura to also better connect with Emma. Mariana reflected how to create a safe and loving environment, allowing her to be more present for her daughter. 

As the weeks passed, something extraordinary began to happen. Laura started to grasp the parenting skills that had eluded her for so long. She learned to adapt to Emma's distinctive needs, and the bond between mother and daughter deepened. In the inevitable moments of frustration, Laura now has tools to guide her through, and in moments of joy, she can fully savor the contentment they share. 

What is even more heartwarming is how the transformation impacted the entire household. As Laura begins to heal from her past traumas and build a brighter future for her family, the overall mood in their home has shifted. There was more laughter, more understanding, and more love. Program clinician and therapist, Mariana, watches with pride as the once heavy burden of Laura's past trauma begins to lift. The transformation wasn't just about Laura; it was about an entire family finding their way back to happiness together.